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QRDLab is an Industry-first initiative originated in Kolkata, India to promote quantum research and education in multiple areas of Quantum Computing. Primary objective will be to pursue high end research in several areas of quantum-inspired software to simulate various real life problems. QRDLab will aim to collaborate with independent researchers and academic institutions to accelerate quantum research. The effort includes translating nascent research ideas and advancing entire Quantum Computing technology stack in India.


Inspired by Prof. (Dr.) Subhansu Bandyopadhyay sir to put potential impact on research and education to facilitate the path of projecting India as one of the core hubs of emerging technologies in near-term future, a pool of researchers, spawned out primarily from University of Calcutta, under the supervision of Prof. (Dr.) Amlan Chakrabarti as Principal Advisor of QRDLab, have made a vision to bulid up a quantum ecosystem through an Industry-Academia collaborative venture. 

The strategic roadmap of QRDLab comprises with:

• To conceptualize and develop Quantum-based Hybrid Cryptographic Solution, which can be used in defence, banking, finance and cyber security industries.

• To develop Quantum Machine Learning algorithm for solving hard problems in the area of drug discovery, weather forecast and others.

• To collaborate closely with quantum hardware developers across the quantum ecosystem which can facilitate quantum research in the country.

• To collaborate with Indian and Foreign recognized universities and pursue research which produce qualitative science citation indexed journals and patents in order to represent our country at the forefront of the quantum ecosystem.

• To promote quantum education in India through certification, MS program, sponsoredprojects, workshops, seminars etc.

• To aim at preparing a quantum repository of resources for students and scholars.

• To translate clients' business problems into quantum-compatible computing platform for building quantum software.

• To consult industry leading companies about the strategy for adopting next generation technology, which will lead our country as a frontier of quantum awareness.

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